About the OASIS training and certification category

UPDATED 10-23-18
Please click on our Tuition & Financial Assistance page for detailed, up-to-date information about Oasis programming.

For clarification about updates to the Teacher Education programming:

  • If you are currently participating in the Oasis Professional Training Pathway, you are participating in MBSR Teacher Education. No enrollment is necessary.
  • If you have successfully completed the Practice Teaching Intensive (PTI), formerly called the Teacher Development Intensive (TDI), you now have the designation of “CFM Qualified MBSR Teacher.”.

*** Announcement ***

Our MBSR in Mind-Body Medicine: A 7-Day Residential Training can now be completed at any point in the Professional Training Pathway PRIOR to applying for Teacher Certification.

It does NOT need to be completed prior to the Teacher Development Intensive.

Our team has created some helpful hints while registering, shown below, and please let us know if you have problems –

Helpful hints for Practicum:
PROGRAM TYPE – Professional Education
PROGRAM – Practicum in MBSR
SESSION TYPE – *Please be patient after selecting from the PROGRAM dropdown as information needs to populates in this SESSION TYPE dropdown field. Then select the appropriate Practicum offering.

Helpful hints for TDI:
PROGRAM TYPE – Professional Education
PROGRAM – Teacher Development Intensive
SESSION TYPE – *Please be patient after selecting from the PROGRAM dropdown as information needs to populates in this SESSION TYPE dropdown field. Then select the appropriate TDI offering.

Helpful hints for Supervision
PROGRAM TYPE – Professional Education
PROGRAM – Individual Supervision –FY16
SESSION TYPE – *Please be patient after selecting from the PROGRAM dropdown as information needs to populates in this SESSION TYPE dropdown field. Then select the appropriate Supervision offering.

Helpful hints for Supervision (use to apply for CONSULTATION)
PROGRAM TYPE – Professional Education
PROGRAM – Supervision
SESSION TYPE – *Please be patient after selecting from the PROGRAM dropdown as information needs to populates in this SESSION TYPE dropdown field. Then select the PROFESSIONAL CONSULTATION.

Helpful hints for TCR:
PROGRAM TYPE – Professional Education
PROGRAM – Teacher Certification Review