About the UMass CFM Blogs category

The blog series, “Life as Practice/Practice as Life” was inspired by a deep wish to support human health and flourishing in the face of tumultuous times.

With the intention to create a space of reflection, inspiration, and dialogue, CFM teachers began to write, committing to a weekly short post linking practice and the specificity of meeting ourselves, others and the world in innovative and clear-seeing ways. We wanted to express both the ordinary and extra-ordinary insights and wonderings that we find ourselves pondering, both from our own lives and as MBSR teachers.

We saw this as a way to connect with you, our community: an accessible way to nourish, offer sustenance, and encourage all of us during challenging events and dark times. To be in dialogue – even virtually – is a gift that feeds us all.

Like mindfulness itself, this means we include everything: What hurts, what helps, what uplifts, what sings, what cries… As we’ve taken up our pens (or turned to our keyboards), we offer you the daily and moment-by-moment experiences that have delighted as well as confused us. And in this offering, we hope to foster greater recognition of the wholeness that is always present. Even in the dark.

– Lynn Koerbel