Aug 2016 TDI and Retreat Requirement

Hello, I am finding it difficult to confirm attendance at an approved retreat prior to the August 2016 retreat (which I would need to be able to meet all requirements). Due to the time frame and an extenuating personal circumstance, I plan to register for the Mind Body Medicine program in June and the August 2016 TDI as well as an Oasis approved retreat in Fall 2016. Would you be able to advise whether this would be an acceptable plan? This will be spelled out in my application, particularly the extenuating personal circumstance. Thank you, Marilyn.

I meant to say August 2016 TDI, not retreat. Whoops :)

Hi Marilyn,

You are welcome to apply and include your details as you mentioned. As with
all applicants, of course, I cannot promise that you will be accepted.


I would not risk it. I did not get accepted even after they said that I did not have to have completed the retreat.

Thanks for sharing your experience on this, Susan. Based on Susan’s report,
Marilyn, you may wish to wait until after you have attended a retreat, even
though it slows down your process, so as not to unnecessarily spend an
application fee on a training you aren’t yet fully qualified for.

Often, folks feel some sense of rush or pressure to get through the Oasis
training. I don’t know if you have noticed that sense of urgency or not.
But, it seems worth mentioning here that we do encourage people to travel
the Oasis pathway slowly. Becoming an MBSR teacher is rather like
cultivating a perennial garden - it takes many seasons to establish and
nurture the inner environment to support this work. And,while they aren’t
specifically about gaining teaching skills, the retreats are a really
important part of that cultivation. We fully expect that there will be many
future TDIs, so if you are not yet ready for the August session, you can
apply to a future training, perhaps next year, for example.

I hope this provides some helpful context for your considerations.


Hi Marilyn, I felt very much to get everything organized regarding MBSR teacher training. I have discovered that there is purpose in going through the process slowly as Eowyn mentioned. This type of training is experiential and our teaching is as effective as we embody the practice in everyday present awareness. Our own experiential learning is what translates into a lifestyle and what makes this training distinctly different than just learning intellectually about a topic. Being present with the learning and teaching causes awakening in our own lives. 8 day silent retreats, speeding out the classes allow for soaking into the senses our own experience. Life is being present at this moment w/o attached outcomes. Very different than anything else in our culture currently. Being present actually is the enriching teaching. There can be a lot of vulnerability in our own experience. As frustrating as it was for myself in the beginning, my own discovery was letting go of attached outcomes and being with whatever shows up, without judgement , esp of thinking I may be “wasting time”. Your experience will be totally your own as you go through this journey and I appreciate your curiosity to investigate. Our daily demands require a schedule. Going through this training, you may find it will be offered only briefly in purpose for being with each experience, savoring it and marveling at the wisdom of the teachers, who practice this in their own lives. This is what makes this experiential learning experience rich.
I hope this helps in some way. I am hoping to get into the TDI and will be waiting until last minute to hear. Best to you! Cawood Fitzhugh