Aug 2016 TDI application error message

Hi Carol,

The 7 Day MBM requirement change just has not been completed from the TDI
application yet.

Our Oasis Coordinator suggested that you go ahead and apply.


Thank you, Eowyn!



I’ve been trying to submit my application for the TDI in August.
I fill all the required fields but when I click submit there’s always a message error.
I’ve tried about 20 times, using Safari, Mozilla, Chrome and Internet Explorer, both using PC and MAC.

I would like to have some help or alternative ways to submit the application as the deadline is approaching.


Hi Nuno,

Sounds frustrating, and may have something to do with our recent launch of
a new database infrastructure. I am sending your message on to the folks
who can help with this. You will likely hear back from them today.

Kind regards,

The same here. I have tried to submit the application many times getting always a message error.
Please let me know what to do.
Many thanks and all best,

Hi Eowyn,

I’m receiving a similar error message when I try to submit. Could you suggest next steps for me to take?

Thank you,

Hi Preston,

Thanks for your message. It’s my understanding you are currently registered
for the Practicum in July, yes?

The way our system works, it’s not possible to apply for the next step
until you have completed the previous step. So, please submit your
application for the TDI again after you have completed the July program.

Kind regards,

Hi Eowyn,

I’m actually currently in the Practicum that finishes up in June, but would
still be in the same situation in that I won’t be finished with the
Practicum until after the deadline for the TDI. Is this a “hard” rule or
is it something that would make sense for me to discuss further with Meg
and/or Carolyn?

Thanks for looking into this.

As I understand it, it is just how the database infrastructure system
works. I have asked Jackie, the Oasis Coordinator to contact you, as she
has a better understanding on that than we teachers do. After you have
spoken with Jackie, I’ll leave it to your discretion whether you wish to
discus it further with Carolyn or Meg.

Hi Eowyn,

Thank you! I’ll be on the look out for a message from Jackie.
