August Shrewsbury TDI acceptance notifications?

Hi, when can we expect to hear back regarding acceptance into the August Shrewsbury TDI? I applied when the application first opened online and have not heard anything in response.

Dear Theresa,

Thanks for your inquiry. I imagine you are wishing to make travel plans etc…

You will hear back from Oasis on your application no later than six weeks before the program start date. We are working on improving our response times, so you may hear rather sooner than that, but this is what I can say for sure.

Kind regards,

Hi, everyone. Determinations will be sent out this week, thank you for your patience!

I received an acceptance, indicated I planned to attend and got to the entering my payment.
It took me a few minutes to get my card. In that time, I was timed out. I couldn’t retrieve the
form. When I went back to the email and started again I got to the log in page, logged in again, but this time there was a notice that said NO PROGRAMS TO pay. I don’t know what to do.
Any suggestions.

I sent this on to the Oasis team for tech support. Let me know if you don’t hear back from them in the next day or two? Kindly, Eowyn

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It was fixed witin a few hours of my notice. Thank you so much. I am looking forward
to the TDI course and meeting my teachers and classmates.

Thank you. I am in the August TDI in Shrewsbury, MA. I purchased airline tickets early. I have one problem: The introductoryinformation indicated we were to conclude at 2 pm on Sept 1. I made airline tickets accordingly and my flight leaves at 5:25 pm from Boston “Logan”. Here is the Problem #1. I just confirmed my timetable and Boston Logan and they now require arriving two hours early for flght. I reached the shuttle people and the thinking was that I wouldn’t be able to make it . They requested I be able to leave at 1:30 PM. How do I request this? Also, will I be leaving the UMMed School or from Residence Inn?My third, ongoing problem is that I have never been able to access the written copy of the MBSR curriculm and standards of practice. I have a code that lets me in but I cannot find the site of downloading the materials related to the 9-day practicum last Jan or the research presented at the Spring Mindfulness course at Mt. Madonna. I have gone to the community.i have read the FAQ at help. When I put in my code, it says i have already used it but I can’t find these items.Can you made a suggestion?I can’t put off asking about the download questions.Thank you.Amy in CA