Hi all. I had to email Florence and about 2 weeks later, I received this reply:
Tuition for the TDI - $2640
Estimated hotel in Worcester MA - $1040 – (room-sharing available to reduce cost)
Estimated meals fee – $ 540
Travel - $
I hope this info aids in your planning.
Jacqueline Clark
Project Coordinator, Oasis Institute
I really don’t understand why this information is not readily accessible, at least as part of the application packet. I wrote back to ask if the “estimated hotel” is a specific hotel where participants will be housed or if that’s just an estimate based on local rates, and we make our own reservations. I also asked about meals–are they estimated based on shared meals or is this someone’s idea of what the average person might need to spend during the training? I have not received a response (over 3 weeks).
This is Jacqueline Clark’s email: Jacqueline.Clark@umassmed.edu, in case anyone wants to inquire further.
If I am accepted into the course I think I’ll try to find an Air B&B with others, so as to reduce expenses.