Certificate of completion 8-week course

Hi community,

I hope someone can help.

I am currently qualified to facilitate and will begin my first cycle of MBSR 8-week course. As completion of the course, I was thinking of offering my participants a certificate of attendance, just like I got when I completed my MBSR 8 week course. Is this something UMass CFM provides? Please advice. Thank you!

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Thanks for bringing up the topic. I am about to finish my first 8.weeks on Tuesday and I think it would be neat to offer a certificate of attendance. I know that I in my 8.w course found out that it wasn´t provided due to the extra amount of work it rendered for my teacher.
It would be helpful to se a copy.

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I’ve been teaching for a few years (non-MBSR) and find my students love the certificates.
Corporate customers get a mindful workplace crystal.
These are fun for participants and also help with word of mouth business.
Best of luck with it.


Hola Fabi - I am finishing my first series and welcome your question, I have been thinking the same.
Could you please post or send to urayoana6@gmail.com? Hope to continue the conversation!


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I do include Certificates of Completion for those who finish my courses, sample below:

Certificate_of_Completion_Jennifer_Hawkins.pdf (609.6 KB)


Thank you! This gives me a good idea.

Thank you for your email. I will send you more information soon.

Thank you for your ideas!

When I do Mindfulness workshops I usually let them take a scroll with intentional quotes inside. They love this idea too!