CEU's from TDI

HELP PLEASE!! Ok, I have been so UBER PATIENT from my perspective. But, I struggle with the balance between “patient” recognizing how understaffed the Center is, and being “passive”~ I completed TDI in AUGUST 2015. I paid for my CEU’s when I registered and I completed all the necessary paperwork including signing in and out of each session AND providing the written feedback required. And then, I’ve waited and waited for my CEU’s to arrive. I was originally told to go through one person. I sent her a personal email after not hearing back for a couple months. Then got an automated response saying that she is no longer the person to contact at the Center. I then made a simple shout-out question on this forum and got a response of, “I’ll look into that”…I’m guessing that was at least two months ago. I am up for re-licensure in both my Social Work and Education disciplines…and, I need the record of CEU’s as soon as possible. PLEASE, someone get back to me so I know who I should be contacting. I’ve not been leaving voicemails at the office or emails to the Center so as to adhere to the requests I heard when I was actually at the Center~being considerate of the enormity of the inquiries staff have to respond to. Please, then, respond in this format or let me know who I can speak to directly to get this matter resolved.

Thanks so much,
T. from Mn!

Hi T,

Thank you both for your patience and for your clear communication here.

I took your message to the CFM Oasis Coordinator, who agreed that this is
less than ideal.

I understand from her that you have already emailed her directly, and that
she is both aware of and in the process of responding to your request.

From speaking with her, it’s also my understanding that it is not just your
CEUs but all participants CEUs from the August TDI that are still in

When are the dealines for your re-licensure processes? If you haven’t
already sent it via email, that would be good information for the Oasis
team to be aware of.

Kind regards,

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Hi T, yes, this matter calls for ATTENTION.

I will add my voice here, T you are not alone.

I too am waiting and wondering what is causing such an incredibly long delay. We signed up for CEU’s in good faith. I am not in the position of having my CEUs audited at this time (or several months ago), but if I were in your position T, I’d be feeling very upset and unaddressed. I know we are not alone, many of us signed up for CEUs.

I too am raising the question: simply, what is needed to get this done?



Wow, thanks for your immediate response. My apologies, I in no way intended
to “rally the troops” as I truly believed that it was an oversight and it
was just me not having the CEU’s yet. Additionally, I don’t tend to air
things publicly, I just was trying to be respectful of what I perceived to
be the request from staff this summer~ the best way to support staff at
Center was to not inundate email and voicemail rather, use the CFMHome
format (which I’m not that well averse in!).

Ok, that being said. I need the CEU certificate in hand by the middle of
February, which is another month. The renewal of the Education license is
much different than my LICSW, thus, all my materials have to first go
through a District Committee before being sent on to the State Board of
Education on my behalf. Thus, there’s not much wiggle room insofar as dates

Please let me know what you need from me.
If you need to contact me via phone, the best number to reach me is my
cell: 612-720-7109.

Thanks again.