Hello everyone,
I posted this advertisement last summer, but I still need around 5 more participants. If you can spare the time, then I would really appreciate it! Either way, I hope you all have a peaceful and productive new year!
I’m a graduate of the MBSR and TDI classes at Shrewsbury, MA and I’m also currently a doctoral student at Springfield College in the PsyD Program in Counseling Psychology. To complete the requirements for a doctoral degree I’m in the process of collecting data for my dissertation. The dissertation involves studying the personal and professional effects for mental health clinicians who practice MBSR. To qualify for the study, a participant must be a graduate of the 8-week MBSR class and must have a graduate degree in mental health counseling or social work or have a doctoral degree in psychology. I need 12-15 participants (five more!) for the study. Participants will not be required to travel, and the face to face, semi-structured interviews should take between half-an-hour and an hour. The interview can take place at a time of your convenience. Your support is greatly appreciated. Please use the information below to contact me and participate in a brief phone interview to confirm your inclusion in the study. You can also email me. Second interviews may take place and are completely optional, as will be indicated in the informed consent. I’m truly grateful for all who can participate.
Jason Corjay
email: jcorjay@springfieldcollege.edu
phone: 413-234-0589