Hiking and Mindfulness Week in Beautiful Northern Spain Nature Setting

MINDFULNESS The Path That Leads Us to Ourselves

If you are ready for a week of self care for mind, body, and soul, join me from October 17 - 24 in Asturias Spain to experience every day Mindfulness practices, beautiful nature, Spanish culture, and hiking.

Visit this website to find out all the details and register.

I look forward to welcoming you
(Ms) Toni Mulraney

Toni has had a personal practice of meditation for over 40 years. She is a long-term educator and Mindfulness meditation teacher who received her training at the Center For Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care, and Society, in Boston, Massachusetts. She has facilitated Mindfulness seminars and courses for adults, both in Australia and in New York, where she currently works. Toni has trained teachers in Mindfulness practices, and created Mindfulness curriculum for students in a growing number of New York City schools