Hi everybody! I am looking to share a room at the Four Points Sheraton Jan 7-16.
Anybody interested?
Thank you!!! Paula.
Hi Paula, my name is Laura. I am interested in sharing a room, if you are still looking for a share partner.
Hi Laura,
Off course!!! I still interested. If you want, I would make a reservation for both of us.
I send you my contact information:
Cell phone: +51 987 762 133
Mail: paulav-gonzalez@hotmail.com
Pls confirm me, because today is the deadline to make the reservation.
Thank you!!!
Hi Paula,
Yes absolutely, lets share.
If you want I can make the reservation and call right away, I live in MInneapolis, MN in the US. I could forward the reservation once booked. Looks like you would have to call internationally. Do you live in Peru?
My cell is 210-867-9858, personal email is cnawan@hotmail.com