NOW is the time to register for Feb 28-Mar.3 2019)
Mindful Practice Norway: Enhancing Quality of Care, Quality of Caring and Resilience
Course Directors: Drs. Ron Epstein & Mick Krasner
Sponsored By: Akershus Universitetssykehus
A retreat-like workshop designed to improve the quality of care that clinicians provide while improving their own resilience and well-being. It offers an experiential learning environment, with a focus on developing the capacity for self-awareness in stressful and demanding situations.
Course Directors: Drs. Ron Epstein & Mick Krasner
Designed for medical practitioners (physicians, NPs, PAs) and others involved in medical practice and education. No prior experience is required, however, experience with meditation or other contemplative practices is desirable.
language: English
Session themes include communication with patients/families, responding to suffering, difficult decisions, errors, professionalism, medical education, compassion, self-care, resilience and burnout.
At the conclusion of this activity, participants should be able to:
•Increase self-awareness and self-monitoring during clinical work and teaching.
•Enhance clinicians’ ability to attend to patient’s needs, reduce and respond to errors, practice with greater effectiveness and compassion, and attend to their own well-being.
•Incorporate mindful practice into clinical and educational activities at their home institutions.
Course Directors: Drs. Ron Epstein & Mick Krasner
Sponsored By: Akershus Universitetssykehus
Contact and Registration: Oddbjorg Jonsdottir
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