Mindfulness in Criminal Justice & Related Social Services

A group and forum for sharing our experiences, challenges, learning and questions together as we further the mainstreaming of mindfulness and the qualities, values and ethics embodied in mindfulness, like resilience, caring, compassion and non-harming into our criminal justice systems and related social services fields.


Hello All, I am excited to be a part of any conversation around practical ways we can help people navigate the criminal justice or injustice system as it stands today. I have a mediation company and actively teach MBSR/mindful schools curricula and I can share first hand, through client centered surveys that they wish that attorneys and everyone in the court system go through this type of awareness training in order to help and serve in a way that doesn’t just lock folks up as an answer. I am grateful that CFM put this together.

Please check out our mindfulness-based work in the criminal justice & social services fields:

www.prisonmindfulness.org (at-risk, prisoner and reentry programs)
www.mindfulcorrections.org (criminal justice and social services professional training)
www.engagedmindfulness.org (training mindfulness teachers to work in these fields)
www.mindfuljustice.org (front-to-back initiative to transform criminal justice system)

Fleet Maull
Kate Crisp


Love and Respect your work, would like to be involved. I live in the Bay Area and sit on a board that is working on re-entry program and I offer mindfulness in order to help those stay out of trouble. Powerful. I have a successful practice and direct experience.

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