Are you a mindfulness supervisor or an experienced teacher wishing to start supervising? Join us November 26-29, 2020 at the start of a new cohort in the international Mindfulness supervision training.
Some of us have come to supervision because of the seniority of our practice and teaching, for others mentoring or supervision seems a natural next step. The Mindfulness supervision training offers background and skills, and a lot of practice in learning to mentor and supervise.
Over a period of a year, you study and practice with a group of international colleagues, learning and deepening skills to work 1-on-1 or in groups, supervising teachers leading MBSR/MBCT or another MBP in their process.
Some topics:
- basics of supervision
- learning styles
- contracting and different supervision models
- communication
- mindful attitude and languaging
- group dynamics
- working with shadow sides
- supporting and challenging your supervisees
- anxiety and the inner critic
- transference, countertransference, parallel process
The Mindfulness Supervision training is a one-year program organized by Present Mind, consisting of 3 modules at the following dates:
Module 1: November 26-29, 2020
Module 2: June 3-6, 2021
Module 3: November 18-21, 2021
Read more about the program, or contact us at
We look forward to welcoming you in November!