Questions about appropriate MBSR courses and retreats

I’d like to know more about the training to become an MBSR Teacher.
I have two specific questions about the Oasis prerequisite:

  1. I read that the eight-week MBSR course as a participant can be a course in my area, which is currently Spain. Are there any specific institutions that are suitable for this or is it sufficient that the offered programme is an 8-week MBSR?
  2. I have atended a 10-d silent, teacher-led mindfulness meditation retreat in August in one of the Vipassana Meditation Centers. Does this have a validity period? I am not sure when I woudl be able to take the Practicum in MBSR.

Thanks a lot!

Hello, Lucia,

Thanks for your questions. Many people are able to take the 8-week MBSR course in their local area. Yes, please do check in with the teacher to confirm that they are in fact following the curriculum that we offer here at the Center, if you’re interesting in using that course as a pre-requisite for professional training. In terms of retreats, I think the guideline is that it has happened within a 3-year period of your taking the training. I will post a follow-up here once I hear back from the Oasis registration folks.

All the best,

Thank you Margaret!!

Follow-up: Ideally, prior to the Practicum course, we like to see people taking a retreat within the past few years. Up to 5-10 years is acceptable.

Hi Margaret,
I just attended an orientation meeting at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center to learn about the 8 week program there which is led by Carole Greco, PhD and Deanna Burkett, MA. They seem to follow the general curriculum which is required, (weekly meetings, full day of mindfulness, homework expectations, etc) except the total number of hours is 24, not 31 (the weekly classes are only 2 hours). Will completion of this 8 week program meet the first requirement to become a teacher? Please advise.
Thank you, Michael