Rideshare/Roomshare: 9 Day Practicum in MBSR - Omega/Shrewsbury - July 17- 26, 2016 Public Forum

Hello everyone.
I’m Ming-Hsun, from Taiwan.
I need rideshare from Omega to Shrewsbury and roomshare at the last 4 days.
I will great to share all costs.
Hope to hear from you soon !

Hi Cheryl,
I stay in a Double Cabin Room A. We can share that if you booked the same type of room. And you have to make the request as well. I have done so.
I booked my flights and will be at JFK at 13.35 on Friday. Could you provide info about the train?
Where do i have to go? Do i have to book ?


I will gladly send you train information when I have wifi. We are presently camping in Zion National Park. I am not sure if I am A or B but will call Omega.

My email is c.beighle@frontier.com so you don’t have to go through cfm


Hi Cheryl,

firstly my email address:
doris.goehl@gmx.de mailto:doris.goehl@gmx.de.

I just looked up Zion National Park, wow, my dream! Had`t heard from it before, but I am such a nature lover.
Actually I wanted to visit a National Park in the States on this visit, but then the whole course turned out
so expensive that I had to adapt to that. But I would love to hear about your experience there. I think I
have already met the right person……
Have you found a hotel yet at Shrewsbury? I haven’t, I am waiting for Oasis to offer affordable places after
The Residence Inn was booked up at once.

Enjoy your stay.

Hi Gretchen.

I’m Yosuke from Japan Tokyo.
I’d like to rideshare from Omega to Shrewsbury ‘Shuttle A’.
Please take a my seat.

Hi Yosuke! I’m sorry to say that all of the seats on Shuttle A are booked now. Perhaps someone else who is here in the States will start a second shuttle?

Hello all,

I’ll be driving from Omega to Shrewsbury and can take 3 others in my car. I can’t offer rides to Omega or home from Shrewsbury unfortunately, but would be happy to have people with me on the July 22 trip between the retreat and the practicum.

First three takers are welcome. :)


Also: heads up for people who couldn’t find housing or their first choice of housing at Omega: I got my third choice but was encouraged to call back regularly because there are always cancellations. I called back the very next day and got my first choice.

Hello Sarah,

Thanks for your sharing.
I would like to join you, if there still have space.
This is my email.


Hello Yosuke,

I’m Ming-Hsun from Taiwan. and also looking for rideshare.
I found someone who can rideshare on this message board. But I still waiting for reply.
I will go to Omega from New York, and still looking for accommodation for the last 4 days at Shrewsbury.
Maybe we can share the trip.


Hello Sarah

I’m Yosuke Hasegawa from Japan.
I’d like to rideshare from Omega to Shrewsbury, too.
If you had a room, I would go with you.

Hello MingHsun

I’ll go to Omega from NY with my two Korean friends.
So I’ll hear them ride share about you.
If we have room, I would go with you to Omega.


Hello Gretchen

Thank you for your info.
I’ll check the way to transportation.


Hello Yosuke,

Hope everything goes well.
Keep in touch!


Hay Alex,

Any luck with booking to arrive at JFK? I still need to book to get to Penn Station and onto Omega, but I was waiting to see if you get to JFK about the same time :) Tas

Hello all,

I had booking a room at Shrewsbury, it have One full bed and one futon can roomshare to couple or person.
You can connect me If you are still looking for accommodation.


Hello All-

Wow lots of planning and logistics required for sure!

I will be driving from Rhinebeck to Shrewsbury on the 22nd and have 3 seats available to share. Please let me know if you are interested in the ride on this site or through my personal email: becca07m@gmail.com.

The rooms at the Residence Inn are all full as a result I booked a room at the Marriott Courtyard Hotel in Worcester. I booked a room with 2 queen beds and am looking for someone who would like to share the accommodation. The cost is $140+tax/night and I’ve booked for the four nights (July 22-26th). Please email if you are interested in sharing!


Hi Tas, I’m actually arriving into LGA the night before now. I will probably stay with a friend in Chelsea and then head to Penn station in the morning for the 10.20am train from Penn station. xx

Hi Becca,

It’s still available to sharing.
I booking it on Airbnb, it cost $85 per day.
Address is “18 Eastwood Road, Shrewsbury”, it’s very close to CFM.
If you still interested it, please let me know.


Hi MingHsun and all,

I am looking for a ride and room share from NY to Ma as well. Are you or others still interested?
Thank you and peace,