Running with the Mind of Meditation

Greetings all:

I’m considering attending this Mindfulness Running program in Colorado September 2015. Wondering if anyone here has attended or know of someone who has? I have a number of questions and would love to get some firsthand feedback before I commit the time and $$.

Also would love to hear from others who are into mindfulness and running.

Jim, I have not attended the class; however, I have read the book it is based on, “Running with the Mind of Meditation: Lessons for Training the Body and the Mind,” and I loved it! It was very rich in mindfulness in general as well as well as how mindfulness can be part of a running practice. The book also provided a good description of the author’s spiritual background and how this is can manifes or contribute to mindfulness and mindful running (or other activities). I am beginning to run again (very slowly) and having read this book I can only say that if I had the time and the money I would definitely sign up.
Patricia S. Chapin


I am a Shambhala member and have read the Sakyong’s book. I have done many, many Shambhala trainings. They are all wonderful. The course will go beyond the book to give you some amazing experiences.