Seeking MBSR courses near Denver, CO

Hey there, Id really appreciate any information on MBSR training near the Denver area. Online programs will help as well. Looking to start as soon as possible, and unfortunately Google does not do well when searching for schools. But I know you kind folk are much better than Google.

Thanks for any info!


Kaiser Permanente offers trainings around the Denver at various times of the year. These trainings are available to all, not just Kaiser members. Also, The Denver Botanic Gardens has held trainings and I believe Shambhala has one as well. I hope that helps.


Hi, Greg (and MichaelArthur). Do you happen to know of trainings just south of Denver, in Colorado Springs? Thank you for any help you can provide.


Sorry for the lack of response here. Unfortunately I do not know of any in the Colorado Springs area.

Good luck.


I would highly recommend Janet Solyntjes who teaches in the area as well as the Shambala Mountain Center.

In the Colorado Springs area is Mary Ann Osborne

Hi, Art and everyone! I’ve found the most effective way to search actually is using Google, but not by school. The search which seems to have the best results is when you use “MBSR” and the name of your nearest city to which you could travel.

Let me know if that helps; some areas of the country have fewer programs than others, I’m afraid.
