Street Loving Kindness -Sharon Salzberg (2 minutes)

Sharon takes us to Grand Central Station in the heart of NYC for the first STREET LOVINGKINDNESS VIDEO SERIES. Explore a new way to interact with the world around you by expanding your circle of kindness. Sharon takes the formal meditation practice of Lovingkindness (also known as Metta) off the cushion and into the real world to discover deeper connections and joy right where you are.


Transitioning into NYC after the 5 day Mindfulness Tools course at Omega with Robert Smith and Elana Rosenbaum. This course/ time/place was a true blessing. The teachers gently presented MBSR in such a way that all participants left feeling a strong sense of connection to mindfulness and each other. Being present during the most beautiful days of autumn so far at the Omega Institute was nothing short of magic. We all achieve the special sense of Just This …so many times throughout all of our days…and today, Saturday I walked through the financial district and Tribeca(home base) for the first time actually savoring each footstep as I tried to met the gaze of many …while returning to my breath.

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