Translation possible?

I want ask if in courses a translator could be offered, e.g. in body-mind-medicine or practicum? Or you do have connection to institution which give translator like chamber of commerce?

I will feel secure with translator. Do you have idea?

Thank you, kind regards, petra

Hello Petra,

Thanks for your inquiry.

So far, we don’t have a overarching policy about translation at our programs. As you can imagine, this is a complex matter, with many folks speaking different languages attending our programs - often English is the default since it is most widely used.

That said, at times our teachers, some of whom speak French and/or Spanish, are able to offer translation as needed at programs in those countries.

Hope this is helpful.


Hello Eowyn
thank you.

Do you know or @all know
if other institutions or chamber can help? Do someone provide translator for corses?

And what is if I bring translator with me for sitting with me in edge for translating for me?

Could you help?

Thank you,
kind regards, Petra

Hi Petra,

I don’t know, but I would suggest that you contact the host organization/facility of whichever course you are planning to attend, as they are in the country where the event will take place, and probably speak the local language.
