Trying to be Mindfull

Hi I’m new here, my name is Caz.
Bit about me, I suffer severe PTSD, severe depression, anxiety the works.

I’m trying to practice mindfulness in my life, thou don’t know where to start or how to start. I can’t seem to calm myself for meditation or anything really.

I have today found a place where I can learn it in a group setting so I hope that will help thou I also have social phobia so see how I go.

Anyone with helpful advice or ideas I much appreciate it.

Thank you


If you can’t find an MBSR instructor locally, UMass Medical School’s Center for Mindfulness has an on-line beginners’s course (SR-201-WEBMBSR):

as does Sounds True (The MBSR Online Course):

Good Luck!

Hi, Caz!

Thank you for sharing such personal things, the healing process is one step at a time and you are brave going after things that might help you.

Mindfulness can help but it is important you do it with a trained professional, so he/she can guide you safely through this path. I would not recommend you do it by yourself only with online resources. It would be optimum if you can find a professional that has some training with trauma.

I would recommend you go after the work of Peter Levine as well. It might help you with some online resources.

There are good resources there in US to help you! You’re gonna find it!

Kind wishes,

Hello Caz -

You may be able to find a CFM-certified MBSR teacher in your area with our Teacher Search Tool, here: