Whether to apply for MBSR Training

I will be starting meditation certification training this month with Susan Piver but want to expand my knowledge after getting certified with her.

I was initially looking into MBSR but was a little discouraged because I only have a bachelors’s degree.

Suggestions on what steps may be after going through her course?

Thank you!


Hi Emily,

In the MBSR certification process, there is the option to make the case
that your trainings (like the one with Susan) are sufficient to qualify you
without a masters degree.

Also, you could obtain the “Qualified MBSR Teacher” status without even
needing to make such a case. It might be a good complement to your course
with Susan.

Kind regards,

Thank you! I will be looking into the program further once my certification is complete with Susan. :)

Oh, please clarify! I had no idea a Master’s Degree is necessary! I’ve been on this path, wanting to be an MBSR teacher since 2007.
Thank you,

Hi again folks,

Thanks for your interest. For those of you who are considering our MBSR
teacher training pathway, let me suggest that you read about the
certification process on our website:


And also review the FAQs (including the question about graduate degrees):

Kind regards,

Dear Eowyn:

I did my MBSR last year at Universidad Complutense-Nirakara Institute and I’m currently a Mindfulness student in Madrid, Spain. I would like to have some advice on how to best achieve the required training in order to teach MBSR considering my country of residence.

I have a question regarding what I’ve read in the FAQs: “Applicants who have taken non-CFM courses will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis to determine if their previous course work is equivalent and can be accepted.”

Apart from the MBSR, I’m currently taking the Universidad Complutense-Nirakara Institute “Experto en Mindfulness en contextos de Salud” university postgraduate, in Madrid, Spain https://nirakara.org/mindfulness-en-contextos-de-la-salud-experto-universitario-universidad-complutense-de-madrid

Would this qualify to be equivalent to one or more of the basic CFM training programs?

Also, would like to confirm about the retreats’ CFM compliance. This would be my most convenient choice: https://www.sacca.dhamma.org/en
Would you please confirm it would qualify for the CFM training process? I actually found this place following a link found here: http://www.umassmed.edu/cfm/training/retreats (under “Vipassana Meditation Centers (worldwide)”).

What would be the difference between the above list and the below list? I guess there is some kind of sponsorization from CFM for certain retreats but what would be the advantages or disadvantages of taking one or the other in order to meet the criteria?

Thank you very much for your attention.


Hi Ian,

The retreat center you were wondering about does offer qualifying retreats.
Just be sure the retreat you choose has a teacher and is silent.

As to the equivalency, I have passed that one along to one of my
colleagues, as I am not certain about it. I’ll get back to you as soon as
possible about it.

Kind regards,

Thank you very much, Eowyn!

That helps a lot!

Have a great day :-)

Dear Eowyn,

Did you have the chance to find out about the equivalency with Universidad Complutense de Madrid - Nirakara Mindfulness Institute?

Thank you!

Eowyn? Still there? ;-)

Yes, we are working on it… Jackie from Oasis will be in touch with you
soon. Eowyn