Certification application won't go through

Hi all.
I’ve tried applying for certification review on a PC through Chrome and Explorer several times, and also on a MAC via Safari, over the last week. I consistently get the error message that the “webpage isn’t available.” I’ve noticed in other posted discussions that this experience has happened for others too.

Of course, I’ve been working on this for years and now that I am ready to apply, I reeeaaalllyyy want to submit the portfolio and application. What shall I do? Could I apply via email?

I appreciate your consideration and response.
Take good care,

Hello, Laurie,

I want to first congratulate you for accomplishing everything that is necessary, to be ready to submit your portfolio. This requires a great deal of hard work and heart. Wonderful!

I can say, on the technical side, that I could pass your plea along to the folks who are in the know about the website functionality. I can ask someone to get back to you as soon as is possible. It’s probably best, for this issue, if you send an email to cfm.oasis@umassmed.edu about this. What you’ve written above is just fine. Then we can email you back with any information about what to do next.

All the best,

Hi Margaret

I believe you have responded to the wrong “Laurie.”

Laurie O

Thank you Margaret for your quick and supportive reply! I’ve sent the message as you suggested.

Happy Now and New Year!


Hello, and congrats. I read on their application page that it’s best to use firefox if on a Mac. Good luck!