Course comparison question

Will Oasis consider the upcoming MBSR in Medicine, Practice & Science led by Brewer and Meleo-Meyer to be equivalent to MBSR in Mind-Body Medicine offered by Oasis?

If not, when will Oasis offer the next MBSR in Mind-Body Medicine?

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Hello, Diana,

We are not familiar with the specifics of the program that will be offered under that course title, so can not recognize it as fulfilling the Oasis requirement. We are working on being able to offer MBSR in Mind-Body Medicine, and will announce dates as soon as we can.



Thanks for letting me know as it helps with planning my schedule.


Diana Meakins

Hi again,

I notice that MBSR in Mind Body Medicine is still listed as an elective in the MBSR teacher training pathway. I think I previously saw a Willoughby Britton program listed as an elective on the Oasis site. Would the upcoming “First, Do No Harm: Working Skillfully with Meditation-Related Challenges” offered by Britton, Lindahl and Treleaven, sponsored by UCSD be accepted by Oasis as an elective in place of MBSR in Mind Body Medicine?

Thanks for considering,

Diana Meakins

Yes, I just checked with Jean and the “First, Do No Harm” workshop at UCLA counts as an elective toward Oasis MBSR certification.

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