Hi everyone!
I’m looking to get a rideshare going. I fly in to Denver Airport on Sunday at 11:57am (5/21). I depart at Monday 4:30pm (5/29).
From the email titled, “Welcome to the MBSR PTI in Snowmass CO - May 21 - 29, 2017 - Instructions for Confirming Your Participation”, I understand that we need to arrive no later than 4pm on Sunday afternoon.
Getting a rental car with my Costco discount runs just over $400 plus gas and tolls. Assuming 4 people, it’d be a bit over $100 per person both ways. It would also give us more freedom on departure time.
As for booking a shuttle… I will get back to everyone on that, I’m waiting for the concierge at the Westin to return my voicemail.
I’m looking forward to this next chapter in our journey together!